Pandora in Modern Day

"You're opening Pandora's Box..." 

This is a common idiom in today's society; and most of the time, you wouldn't want to hear it. Curious Pandora, after all, was the woman who unleashed all the evil things in this world upon men. It's really interesting to think, however, that her story has survived for more than a millennium. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it certainly didn't kill Pandora...
 -"Pandora's Box" by Stephen Watson
Modern Artists, such as Stephen Watson, even allude to Pandora's story. In this painting,  you can see a box in the bottom left corner; around it is an assortment of faces, designs, and (most noticeably) an all-seeing eye. The eye may stand for Pandora's curiosity, and the assortment of designs and scenes may be the painter's personal vision of the evils in this world.


 Pandora's Box, starring Louise Brooks, was a silent film made in Germany in 1929. Though it is not about the mythological Pandora, the story depicts a seemingly innocent girl who somehow entrances men to sin.

Pandora's Box is not only the name of an Aerosmith song and album, but it has also made it to the list of songs on Guitar Hero.

"But every time Pandora comes my way
I get high
Can't explain the sensation
To get it on..."

Again, Pandora seems to open up the doorway to "evil" and "sin" everywhere she goes. Even Aerosmith can't resist it...

 - "Pandora" by J.W. Waterhouse (1896)
Waterhouse is famous for his mythological paintings. This is his depiction of Pandora opening her box, thereby unleashing man's bane.

 With Pandora by the Music Genome Project, you can find other bands you might like based on your own music library. This doesn't seem to coincide with the dark, foreboding sensation Pandora's myth normally seems to normally bring, but it is still a direct allusion.

 This is just one of thousands of books that allude to the Greek Myth "Pandora's Box"

Got Wings? Pandora even has her own butterfly... the commonly known "Cardinal Butterfly" is scientifically named Argynnis Pandora

 And of course, like so many other characters from Greek and Roman Mythology, a celestial body is named after Pandora; this is Saturn's tiny moon Pandora as seen from the Cassini Space Probe ca. 2005

 A women's jewellery company carries her name as well. The jewellery depicts the innocent side of Pandora; the naive, beautiful woman given to men by Zeus as an evil trick.

 And for the overwhelming percentage of people who still play computer games, Microsoft has made a Pandora allusion just for you.

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